Today’s workforces are more remote than ever. Yet still require fast, easy digital connectivity to support unwavering productivity. But more employee locations mean more opportunities for hacks and breaches to occur—from cybercriminals leveraging software, hardware, and end user devices to wreak havoc on network to unintentional employee errors that can lead to compromised data.
At Sync21, we offer solutions and support to shore up cybersecurity on all fronts. We can advise you on your security posture, assess your environment, design the best approach, deploy your solution, and manage it throughout its lifecycle.
Cybersecurity Defense-In-Depth Strategy
We approach cybersecurity through a Defense-In-Depth Strategy that involves implementing and deploying a multi-layer security defense designed to mitigate multiple kinds of risks. We incorporate software and hardware together to work as a single unit of defense. If one layer fails to perform the necessary protection, the following layer will perform the protection required to achieve the overall essential protection for your organization’s resources.
We first establish a security model baseline to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your hardware, software, computing devices, and network devices:
- We protect your data confidentiality through various techniques and mechanisms, such as encryption and access control.
- Our data integrity algorithms prevent cybercriminals from altering and interfering with your data while it is processing, storing, and transmitting.
- We ensure data availability by preventing any methodology hackers use to block your authorized users from accessing their information and resources.
When defining your security model, we evaluate your policies and procedures, physical security, network security, host security, session security, and application security.
Our Cybersecurity Services
Our Cybersecurity Services include:
- Endpoint Protection
- DNS Protection
- Email Security
- Dark Web Monitoring
- Security Awareness Training
- Managed SOC (Security Operations Center
- Ransomware Detection & Ransomware-Immutable Backup
Please see the sections below for more detailed information about each component of the security stack we offer.
Endpoint Protection
What is endpoint protection?
Endpoint protection, or endpoint security, is a general term that describes cybersecurity services for network endpoints, like laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, servers, and virtual environments. These services may include antivirus and antimalware, web filtering, and more.
Endpoint protection helps businesses keep critical systems, intellectual property, customer data, employees, and guests safe from ransomware, phishing, malware, and other cyberattacks.
Why do businesses need endpoint protection?
Criminals are constantly developing new ways to attack networks, take advantage of employee trust, and steal data. Smaller businesses may think they’re not a target, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, small businesses with 100 employees or fewer now face the same risk of attack as a 20,000-employee enterprise.
No matter their size, businesses need reliable endpoint security that can stop modern attacks. And since most companies are subject to some form of compliance and privacy regulations, protection for endpoints is 100% necessary to help businesses avoid hefty fines and damage to their reputation due to a security breach.
DNS Protection
Why do you need a protective DNS service?
Today’s businesses need secure, private, manageable and visible control over internet traffic.
The current domain name system (DNS) simply resolves internet requests through a global system of servers, then translates those requests into their unique
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. But this vital service was not designed with security in mind and many DNS exploits and vulnerabilities now exist.
By using a protective DNS service organizations can control their networks and maintain the security, privacy and visibility they need to protect IT infrastructure and users, even those working remotely.
What does a protective DNS service do?
Its primary aim is to create a highly secure, private, resilient and manageable connection to the internet. Automated filtering uses BrightCloud® Internet Threat Intelligence to automatically block requests to undesirable, dangerous or malicious internet domains, even encrypted DNS over HTTPS (DoH) requests.
This filtering alone stops most internet threats before they can infect networks or endpoints. It helps organizations achieve the management control over their DNS connection recommended by the joint NSA and CISA Guidance on Strengthening Cyber Defense Through Protective DNS.
Email Security
Email is the most successful delivery method for the costliest cyberattacks out there: business email compromise, credential theft, ransomware — the list goes on.
Phishing works by sending emails laced with ransomware, fileless malware, and other threats directly to your employees. These emails are disguised as messages from trusted individuals like a manager, coworker, or business associate to trick your employees into activating the enclosed malware or granting unauthorized access. The results include Business Email Compromise (BEC), Account Takeover (ATO), credential theft, ransomware and more disastrous incidents. As these attacks grow more sophisticated, not even G-Suite or Office 365 can filter them out.
We utilize the world’s first automated phishing defense platform that protects you from cybercriminals posing as trusted contacts using the following techniques:
Analyzing your employees’ business relationships (who they work with, how often they communicate, etc.) to make trusted profiles.
Scanning for suspicious irregularities in message content and attachments and comparing them to trusted profiles to detect attacks.
Learning from user interaction and feedback to grow smarter and defend you better from new, emerging threats.
Dark Web Monitoring
Dark Web Monitoring combines human and machine intelligence with powerful search capabilities to scour the dark web to identify, analyze and proactively monitor for an organization’s compromised credentials 24/7/365, alerting you to trouble fast.
Are your company’s user credentials on the dark web? Thousands of email addresses, passwords, and other sensitive data land on the dark web every day, creating risk for your business — and you may not even know about a vulnerability until it’s too late.
Dark Web Monitoring ensures the greatest amount of protection with 24/7/365 human and machine-powered monitoring of business and personal credentials, including domains, IP addresses and email addresses.
We uncover your compromised credentials in Dark Web markets, data dumps and other sources, and alert you to trouble fast, giving you the advantage to act before cybercriminals do.
Security Awareness Training
What is security awareness training?
Security awareness training is a proven educational approach for improving risky employee IT behaviors that can lead to security compromises. Through the efficient delivery of relevant information and knowledge verification on subjects including information security, social engineering, malware, and industry-specific compliance topics, security awareness training increases employee resilience to cyber-attacks at home, on the move, and at the office.
By participating in security awareness training, employees learn to avoid phishing and other types of social engineering cyberattacks, spot potential malware behaviors, report possible security threats, follow company IT policies and best practices, and adhere to any applicable data privacy and compliance regulations (GDPR, PCI DSS, HIPAA, etc.)
Why do businesses need security awareness training?
As cyber security threats continue to evolve, security awareness training helps businesses decrease help desk costs, protect their reputation, and secure their overall cybersecurity investment.
Our Security Awareness Training makes it easy to implement an ongoing training program that significantly reduces the risk of security breaches through phishing simulations based on real-world attacks and training that covers relevant security and compliance topics.
Managed SOC (Security Operations Center) – 24X7 Threat Monitoring
Stop attackers in their tracks with our managed cybersecurity detection and response solution backed by a world-class security operations center.
24×7 Cyber Security Powered by Experts
Managed SOC (security operation center) is a managed service that leverages our Threat Monitoring Platform to detect malicious and suspicious activity across three critical attack vectors: Endpoint | Network | Cloud. The elite team of security veterans in our SOC hunt, triage and work with our team when actionable threats are discovered including:
- Continuous Monitoring – Around the clock protection with real-time threat detection
- World-Class Security Stack – 100% purpose-built platform backed by over 50 years of security experience
- Breach Detection – The most advanced detection with to catch attacks that evade traditional defenses
- Threat Hunting – Elite security team proactively hunt for malicious activity
- No Hardware Required – Patent pending cloud-based technology eliminates the need for on-prem hardware
Ransomware Detection & Ransomware-Immutable Backup
Predictive analytics monitors data characteristics and alerts us to catch ransomware in the act BEFORE it locks up your data.
Ransomware is now targeting your backups – working to disable them from happening, encrypting them, or deleting them altogether. With the disaster recovery cloud mentioned above, your data is stored in an immutable format, meaning ransomware cannot access or compromise your backups. Your data is safe and recovery ready.
It is more critical than ever to ensure you have a strategy in place to protect your sensitive information.
Learn how to secure your hybrid work environments and how Sync21 experts can help.